Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mom(my) of the Year Award

Thank you rOse . Our first award for this humble blog of ours. Even though its a Mom of the Year Award, I would like to share it with my Hubby.

Anyhow, I would answer this through my mommy experience.

1. Admit one thing you feel awful about (involving being a mom). Once you have written it down, you are no longer allowed to feel bad. Remember you are a good mom!
I was'nt into BF that much. The first time, I had to do it I felt depressed and couldn't understand why it was easy for other first timer moms to do it and not me. Not only that, Reyza depends very much on BF at night to go to sleep. (he stil does the same till now). But, now I preach about it. Even though I don't BF Reyza exclusively but being able to BF him gives me the exclusiveness to do so. I felt very attach to Reyza because of the 'us' time. If, I could turn back the time I would make myself read up on BF. I very much still surf around about BF now, maybe for the next one. (trial n error?)

2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.
i. Sleeping with Reyza
ii. Bathing Reyza in his Rubber Duckey tub
iii. Rolling on the bed with Reyza and Abah
Seeing Reyza smiling and screaming when he see's me
v. Reyza showing his cheeky'ness as he knows that he is damn cute doing it
i. Love staying at home watching Reyza sleep and play
vii. Love that our family unit is complete and is hoping to have more additions (soon?)

Who do i tag? I don't know. Everyone that wants to do it plus these 2 people
Thats all!

1 comment:

rOse said...

Thanks dear. U deserved it.